What You Need to Know Before Getting a Hair Transplant

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You’ve probably looked up your alternatives on Google if you’ve observed your hairline seems to be thinning or are concerned by a receding hairline. A simple search may turn up some supplements or treatments that sound too good to be true along with tried-and-proven treatments like hair transplant hair growth

The majority of our patients who have hair loss started out in the same way, attempting to regrow lost hair by using specialised shampoos, daily tablets, and dubious products. In the end, they squandered their resources—money, effort, and hope—on treatments that had no chance of success, which prompted them to think about getting a hair transplant.

It can be frightening to consider having surgery of any kind, and many patients are concerned that a hair transplant won’t produce the desired outcomes. An effective hair transplant procedure, however, can significantly alter the lives of many patients. Let us see its procedure.

Hair Transplant Procedure

The healthcare professional collects grafts, or tiny bits of skin, off body parts with healthy hair. Healthcare professionals refer to this site for collecting grafts as the donor site. The area with the thickest hair is typically on the head, at the rear of your scalp. The specialist places the grafts on the parts of the head that seem to be bare. After healing, the transplanted skin shall continue to generate hair.

What are the types of hair transplants?

Till recently, hair transplantation was not a common procedure in India. But during the past ten years, approaches have seen a significant transformation. Nowadays, there are clinics all throughout cities and urban areas that offer them. While more and more men experience hair loss as a result of factors including stress, anxiety, low physical activity, pollution, nutrient-deficient intake, and others, the need for these facilities and hair transplant treatments is escalating.

Given below are the two most prevalent hair transplant techniques in India :

  1. FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction – To remove the hair follicles out from the back of the head, hundreds of safe, tiny punch incisions are made. Since the back of the head typically does not experience hair loss. The hair transplant specialist will next use a specialised surgical needle to produce tiny punctures within the scalp where hair needs to be implanted. The removed follicles are therefore implanted in their new locations.
  1. FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation – The specialist will choose a spot on the back of the scalp for this surgery. An ideal count of hair growth is present in this area. The specialist next uses a scalpel to remove the lengthy skin grafts. The bald spots here on hair are then covered with individual transplants of such hairs. The FUT treatment is more expensive than that of the FUE procedure.

What are the main reasons for getting a hair transplant?

The days of having few treatment choices for hair loss are over, thanks to recent medical developments. Your concerns can all be resolved with a hair transplant in a single easy surgery. These are the top five reasons for undergoing a hair transplant procedure.

  • Self-confidence boost – Some people can look fantastic without hair, however, not everyone is in this situation. A lifelong struggle with low self-esteem will result from disliking your appearance. And if you’re too embarrassed to go out, these self-esteem issues might also lead to social and professional difficulties.
  • No adverse impacts – Although there are a number of medical treatments to stop hair loss, only a transplant operation can be done without having any negative long-term repercussions. Although a majority of medications can prevent hair loss and stop hair thinning, they can also result in other health problems. If you think that there are any side effects of hair transplant then know that with just a hair transplant.
  • Hair That Looks Natural – Hair plugs are no longer used. With the use of a hair transplant operation, you are likely to regrow hair on your head. This implies that following the transplant surgery, you’ll never experience any difficulties when washing or brushing your hair. You might possibly be able to attain your preferred hairstyle once more.
  • Long-Term Results – Your everlasting results after a hair transplant surgery are achievable since they will enable you to keep growing new hair. Your new hair is immune to the hormones which induce balding, which allows for permanent results.
  • Safe and Simple Process – You won’t need to worry about anything because a hair transplant process practically carries no risks. The scalp hair follicles are transplanted using a tiny needle. Owing to this, you’ll never acquire unpleasant or unappealing scars.

Do hair transplants work? 

hair transplant result

Broadly stated, hair transplants are more effective than other hair restoration solutions. The majority of the time, a person with a remarkably effective hair transplant will then have hair that looks thicker. After the surgery, however, people can still undergo thinning hair and loss, which could make their hair look unnatural or spotty. People might need several transplants in the future for results that persist longer and a patient should adhere to the postoperative advice given by their surgeon. They will have a better chance of having a positive hair transplant by doing this. For a few weeks, there are things to do after a hair transplant like refrain from exercise and rigorous activity. Additionally, you might have to hold off on washing their hair for several days.

Even though the sight of a receding hairline could be disheartening, there is no health danger associated with it. There are several treatments that can make the hair appear thicker or encourage it to regrow. Anyone thinking about trying such treatments should thoroughly discuss them with a doctor to determine the best solution. Schedule a consultation with a Clinic Eximus hair transplant surgeon before getting a hair transplant. Dial 011 4241 8525 or Email at care@cliniceximus.com

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